Hello World

Hello World

Blogging as part of my programming career has never been at the top of my to do list. But over the past couple of weeks my twitter feed has been populated by success stories of how blogging actually did give someone the career push we all strive for as developers. This articles marks my starting point as a bloggerammer.

Did i just coin the term bloggerammer as a combination of a blogger and programmer.


Articles i write will mostly be about the tools and technologies i use in my day to day life. Occasionally i will share insights into what i do in my other life as a regular Joe. Contrary to popular belief we programmers also have a life way from our computers and nerdy friends. So embark on this journey with me and i do believe that with each article and feedback from you we both become better programmers. Looking forward to interacting with you as we help each other traverse The road less taken.

The road less taken is the title to a poem i read a while back